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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "burke, peter, 1937-"

     1  burke, peter, 1937-
     1  burke:
     1  burke: the
     1  burkina
     1  burkina faso
     1  burkina faso cuts diplomatic ties with taiwan
     1  burkina faso's foreign ministry announced on thursday that i
     8  burma
     1  burma is
     1  burma policy
     2  burma's
     1  burma's gas
     1  burma-china-u.s.
     1  burma:
     1  burmaproject071005.pdf
     2  burn
     1  burn and
     1  burn sichuan
     1  burned
     3  burning
     1  burning books
     1  burning nationalism
     1  burning nationalism cornering hanoi
     2  burnish
     1  burnish reformist
     1  burns
     1  burns down
     1  burong
     1  burr
     1  burr070618

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